Entity C-26 - "Surfaceling"
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Entity Number :C-26



The first picture of Surfaceling from unknown wanderer.


Surfacelings are found in almost every level. They are one of the most mysterious and the most dangerous entities in the backrooms. According to the research conducted by the M.E.G., surfacelings are likely to originate from two-dimension, but it remains unknown how they survive in three-dimension and even manage to hurt creatures in it. Depending on their behaviors that have been recorded, it is possible that they are highly intelligent.


Surfacelings usually stay still on a flat surface, making itself resemble a normal picture. If the circumstances permit, surfacelings can only move around on the surface of objects, including walls, groud, desktop, and etc.. If any entity or living thing draws near it, the former will be captured and dragged into two-dimension. Once being caught, there is no way out of it. The location and situation of the victims have never been found out.

Surfacelings are hostile to every entity apart from themselves. It is thus common to witness a surfaceling fighting other entities, and the surfaceling wins with no exception.

Surfacelings is also capable of "two-dimensionalizing" objects, which means any object touched by a surfaceling will swiftly turn into a lifelike "fresco". If wanderer notices any odd painting in any place, use almond water to wash it off.


Surfacelings resemble images of regular human-beings painted with black paint. They can survive off surfaces but can not go far from one.1


The first surfaceling is found in Level C-67 while it is dragging a Guffaw Shrieker.

Do's and Don'ts


  • Stay away from any black picture that looks like a human
  • Wash off odd paintings of objects with almond water


  • Approach them out of curiosity
  • Touch them

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